If you would like to become a member of St. Luke, please contact Fr. Matthew directly about becoming a member of the parish. Membership involves two general approaches:
If you are already a baptized/chrismated Orthodox Christian: Fr. Matthew will work with you on getting incorporated into the life of the parish. This typically involves adding you to the parish records as a member, getting current contact information, and completing a stewardship pledge of support. Also, if you have not attended church for a long time, it is strongly recommended that you go to confession before regularly participating in communion.
If you are not already a baptized/chrismated Orthodox Christian: Fr. Matthew will work with you on learning about the Orthodox Christian faith and getting incorporated into the life of the parish. Initially, this involves a period of time as an inquirer where you explore the teachings of the faith and have your questions answered.
When both you and Fr. Matthew feel that you are ready, you will become a catechumen. During this time (which lasts from six to twelve months), you will be asked to regularly participate in the life of the parish, continue your learning about the faith, actively prepare to be received into the Church, and support the parish through your stewardship.
Once you have been properly prepared, then you will be received into the Orthodox Church through first confession and baptism or chrismation.
In both instances, new parish members are strongly encouraged to be active members of the parish by regular participation in the liturgical life of the parish, commit to growing in one's personal spiritual life, and actively supporting the parish through ministry and stewardship.
(updated December 2023)

All services at 18046 Chillicothe Rd/Hwy 306 in Bainbridge, OH, 44023.